

I enjoy some movies recently
"Eastern Plays"(2009) Directed by Kamen Kalev
"Machete" (2010) Directed by Robert Rodriguez
"Hijikata Tatsumi Natsu-no-Arashi" (2003) Directed by Misao Arai
and Play

"Going On The Way To Get Lost" (2010) Diredcted by Shiro Maeda


Wouldn't it be nice

today, weather is bad.
I will clean the room while hearing wonderful music!
Wouldn't it be nice!



Book: "Grape of one bunch"(1922) by Takeo Arishima

Cinema: "The Expendables" by Sylvester Stallone

Art: "from Machine Art to Media Art"

Photo:"Ihei Kimura Photography Prize 35th Anniversary"

Dance: "Grand Union Dream"(1971) by Yvonne Rainer

Play: "Japanese Sleeping"(2010) by Akio Miyazawa

Cinema: "Heaven's Story"(2010) by Takahisa Zeze

Cinema: "Magnificent Fight"(1968) by Masao Asano

Play: "The Shape of Me"(2010) by Norimizu Ameya